In the Middle Ages, we were told what we knew by the Church; after the printing press and the Reformation, by state censors and the licensers of publishers; with the rise of liberalism in the 19th and 20th centuries, by publishers themselves, and later by broadcast media—in any case, by a small, elite group of professionals.
But we are now confronting a new politics of knowledge, with the rise of the Internet and particularly of the collaborative Web—the Blogosphere, Wikipedia, Digg, YouTube, and in short every website and type of aggregation that invites all comers to offer their knowledge and their opinions, and to rate content, products, places, and people. It is particularly the aggregation of public opinion that instituted this new politics of knowledge.
LARRY SANGER, a co-founder of Wikipedia, recently started a new competitor, the Citizendium, or the Citizens' Compendium.
But we are now confronting a new politics of knowledge, with the rise of the Internet and particularly of the collaborative Web—the Blogosphere, Wikipedia, Digg, YouTube, and in short every website and type of aggregation that invites all comers to offer their knowledge and their opinions, and to rate content, products, places, and people. It is particularly the aggregation of public opinion that instituted this new politics of knowledge.
LARRY SANGER, a co-founder of Wikipedia, recently started a new competitor, the Citizendium, or the Citizens' Compendium.
Esto lo encontré en una página muy interesante. La dirección es: http://edge.org/, una página para quienes les atraiga todo lo relacionado a la Ciencia y la Literatura.
El texto de arriba es la introducción de un ensayo muy amplio del mismo Larry Sanger, que habla sobre lo que es el conocimiento es esta nueva Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento.
Les recomiendo ampliamente dicha página y la lectura del texto, que valdría la pena discutirse en este y otros foros.
Gracias y reciban un Saludo donde quiera que se encuentren.
Antonio Rey Tamayo Neyra
La foto es del Castillo de Chapultepec en la Ciudad de México
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